About Us
Your trusted partner for personalised accounting support

Our story
When Pure’s Founder and Managing Director, Lee Perriam, set up Pure in 2011 he decided to do things a little differently.
Having qualified as a Chartered Accountant with Price Waterhouse (Coopers) and spent 25 years as a Finance Director, he used his own experiences of a quarter of a century in business, to create a service which better suits the needs of business owners today.
The Pure difference:
A bespoke package to meet your needs
Fixed fees agreed in advance and paid monthly
Our experts providing a natural extension to your own team
A team who actually care
We are proud to offer a VERY different approach to other accountants.
But don’t just take our word for it – meet our team and check out what our clients have to say.
We would love to hear from you and explain how Pure can help make a difference to your business so please contact us.
A close working relationship and regular contact – not just a once-a-year review
People who will treat your business like it’s our own business